Zero trust is at the cornerstone of every agency’s cybersecurity plan. But, that being said, Cybersecurity Executive Order (EO 14028) raises many questions, despite reams of guidance from the National Institute of Standards and Technology, Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, and the White House Office of Management and Budget. Questions like what actually is zero trust? How is it different from previous cyber strategies?

Specifically, you’ll learn:

  • Best practices to transition your agency to a zero-trust architecture.
  • Questions to ask vendors to make sure you are getting the right zero-trust solution at your agency.
  • How to help streamline procurement rules and regulations for zero-trust solutions.
  • The biggest barriers still facing agencies looking to invest in zero-trust solutions.

Watch on demand to learn from government and industry experts about how to utilize OMB’s Zero Trust Strategy as a roadmap for future cybersecurity best practices.

Matt Singleton

Chief Information Security Officer
State of Oklahoma

Robert Costello
Chief Information Officer

Maria Thompson
SLG Leader
Amazon Web Services (AWS)

Adrian Monza
Sr. Solutions Architect
Amazon Web Services (AWS)

Register Now:

  • Closed captioning will be available.
  • All registrants will receive the presentation recording March 24.