Pre-Register for 2025 GovLoop Online Trainings

We know getting the time and approval to attend training events can be tough. Yet, you need to stay on top of current government trends and topics to do your job well. 

We wanted to save you time and free up some of your precious email inbox space by allowing you to sign up for upcoming online trainings now. Each online training is totally free and registration is open to everyone. All registrants will also receive a link to the presentation recording after the live webinar.

Additionally, if you go ahead and pre-register, you'll be entered into a drawing for a $10 Amazon gift card! We will randomly choose 50 people to receive a gift card.

Explore all the upcoming online training opportunities below. All online trainings occur from 2-2:50 p.m. ET/11-11:50 a.m. PT.

On the registration form above, check the boxes next to the online trainings to select which trainings you'd like to pre-register for.

You'll receive reminders with login information from GovLoop leading up to the training. Please get in touch if you have any questions: [email protected].

2025 GovLoop Spotlights Online Trainings:

[Jan. 22] How Does Your Cybersecurity Strategy Measure Up?
Now that we’re firmly in 2025, it’s time to take stock of your agency’s cybersecurity initiatives for the year. Where are you headed, and do you have an adequate roadmap to meet your cybersecurity goals?

There is hardly any room for error when it comes to your agency’s cybersecurity, and the first step is to be aware of the latest best practices around zero trust, identity management, and the current risk landscape.

[Jan. 29] AI at Work: Exploring Use Cases
Artificial intelligence is so exciting because its potential is almost limitless. But with such a large realm of possibilities, AI can also feel quite overwhelming. So, where should you start: small or go big? Which department or team in your agency should move forward with AI first? Who are your stakeholders, and how will you measure and communicate its success?

[Feb. 12] Identifying Your Modernization Objectives
Streamlining processes, updating old technology, keeping up with best practices, and meeting mandates and compliance regulations - the drivers for modernization are plentiful. Often, agencies deal with more than one reason for modernization.

The key is properly identifying your modernization objectives so your organization can move forward strategically. Join us online to learn to prioritize modernization and set realistic goals.

[Feb. 26] Buttoning Up Your Data Management
Data management in government can feel like a moving target. With new technologies and systems being implemented and data privacy laws emerging, what was working last year or even last month may no longer suffice.

Brush up on the latest data trends, best practices and core components for an effective data management strategy.

[March 5] Taking a Realistic Look at Quantum Computing in Government
Quantum computing in government is poised to make an impact – to say the least. Updates and timelines from the National Quantum Initiative paint a very exciting picture of its potential in the public sector, with many agencies actively benefiting from the technology today.

So, what does the future hold for your agency and your role as quantum computing continues to ramp up across government?

[March 26]  CX in Practice: Explore 3 Use Cases
“The customer is always right” is a common phrase in the private sector, but the sentiment applies to the government, too. The success of agency missions depends on effective customer experience (CX).

However, agencies are typically rated much lower than private sector companies when it comes to CX. Why is that? What is happening in private sector CX that can be replicated at the agency level?

[April 2] Exploring the CX-EX Relationship
The customer experience (CX) and employee experience (EX) are intrinsically linked, even if the connection isn't obvious. It's been proven that employees who are more engaged and connected to their agency's mission provide better customer service, which in turn leads to more satisfied customers. 

Let's explore the relationship between CX and EX further and how it can positively impact your agency and help you better meet your mission.

[April 16] Endpoint Security: What Is It and Why Does It Matter?
Endpoint security refers to the practices and processes that secure every device connecting to an agency network. Considering the number of devices connected to an agency network—hundreds of thousands—it's best to ensure sound security.

Tune in to learn how to craft a strong endpoint security strategy.

[May 7] Examining GIS Use Cases in Gov
Geospatial information system (GIS) software has long been hailed as a valuable tool for capturing, analyzing, and visualizing location data. Now, with artificial intelligence taking technology to the next level, what can we expect to see in functionality changes with GIS?

Join us for a discussion with GIS experts about real-world use cases in government.

[May 14] The Core Principles of Responsible AI
As artificial intelligence continues to become more widespread, it's more important than ever that it be implemented responsibly. Government employees at all levels need to understand what's at stake if the technology is used in harmful ways or if the data being fed into the AI models is not adequately protected.

Join us to learn the core principles of responsible AI.

[June 4] Data Is the Foundation for Gov Innovation
Simply put, agencies are not well-informed without data insights. No process, policy, or service can properly serve its purpose if it's not rooted in data. So, how can you properly access, mine and make decisions based on agency data? Do you know where to go to find the information you need? Is it properly secured and clean? We will walk through the latest data best practices to ensure your agency's data is truly actionable.

[June 11] In-Demand Gov Skillsets for the Future
The government workforce is dynamic and ever-changing, largely because the technologies agencies rely on are advancing at a rapid pace. So, what is the implication on the workforce? How can you make sure your skills are relevant and sharp? What trainings and resources are available to help you maintain the in-demand skillsets you need?

[July 16] Behind the Scenes in State and Local Tech
State and local agencies are on the frontlines when it comes to using technology to deliver constituent services. What's working and what's not? Join us online to explore timely case studies from state and local organizations and learn what's driving innovation on the ground floor.

[July 30] Prep Data for AI
You've probably heard it before, but your AI programs are only as good as the data it runs on. So before you can hop on the AI train, you need to take a good hard look at your current data practices and management. Is your data clean and reliable? Is it accessible? Who are the data stewards, experts, and stakeholders in your agency?

We'll speak directly with the experts about how to get your data in order before moving forward with AI.

[Aug. 13] Keeping Threats at Bay: The Latest in Cybersecurity
If your agency's cybersecurity strategy were to get audited today, what do you think the results would show? Would the processes and strategies in place be enough to ensure your data, systems and networks are all protected? Or are there gaps in protection and security coverage? Are your legacy systems vulnerable to attack?

[Aug. 20] Tools Powering the Employee Experience
We know the employee experience (EX) can make or break an agency. That's not an overstatement; if agency employees are committed to the mission, appropriately trained and supported, productivity levels will increase. But the converse is also true: reaching mission objectives can be an uphill battle if your workforce is disengaged and unsatisfied.

We will openly discuss the tools and strategies available to ensure your agency's EX is optimal with government workforce experts.

[Sept. 10] AI: How Far Its Come & Where Its Headed
The pace of AI advancement is hard to grasp. By its nature, AI is constantly developing, learning and evolving. Which means it can feel like a full-time job just keeping up. In order to apply AI the right way, it's important to understand its latest applications and where barriers might lie. 

This session will focus on the major advancements in AI the public sector has seen so far this year and what we can expect next.

[Sept. 24] The Current State of Data Security
Data security in government is quite a dense field. We're talking about mandates, legislation, and privacy laws impacting how your agency handles data. But we also need to consider internal practices, documentation, and governance. Additionally, data security involves all of the solutions and technology your agency uses to store, access, and manage all the information.

Join us online to learn about the current state of government data security. You'll learn the latest trends and better understand how to update your strategy.

[Oct. 15] How EX Supports CX
Customer experience (EX) and employee experience (EX) go hand in hand; you can't have one without the other. However, full workloads and competing priorities can cause us to lose sight of this relationship and its importance. We'll talk with CX and EX experts about the connection between the two and why EX is critical for delivering constituent services.

[Oct. 29] What It Takes to Achieve Mission Success
For an agency to truly achieve mission success, the organization needs to deliver services to all of its constituents in a fair and transparent way. The total distribution is not always easy. We'll talk with experts who have achieved mission delivery success about how they reframed their strategies to be as inclusive as possible.

[Nov. 5] Data Tools, Strategies and Skills for Non-Experts
We know that data is the foundation or most emerging technologies right now. But there aren't that many data scientists in the world. So, how can we bridge the gap? We'll talk with experts about how the right tools, technologies and upskilling opportunities can transform both the employee and the agency to become more data-centric.

[Nov. 12] Quantum Computing 101
Quantum computing sounds like something from a sci-fi movie, but its impact is very real. Join us online to explore the practical implications of quantum computing on your work and how it will transform agencies at large. You'll learn the basics of the technology and its applications in government.

[Dec. 10] Top Barriers to Implementing AI
AI has been the most talked-about technology for the last few years, but all that talk doesn't always translate to action. We'll talk with government and industry leaders about where agencies can get tripped up when implementing and using the tech.

[Dec. 17] Year in Review
What happened in 2025? And what changes will follow us into 2026? Tune in and join us online as we speak with thought leaders about the most impactful and lasting changes that happened this year, and peer into the future and explore what the opportunities might look like.

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