3 Components for a Strong Cybersecurity Plan

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All registrants will receive a link to the online training recording the day after the live presentation.

steve dobberowsky(1).jpeg
Dovarius L. Peoples
Chief Information Officer
Army Corps of Engineers

steve dobberowsky(1).jpeg
Aaron Aubrecht
Chief Product Officer,

steve dobberowsky(1).jpeg
Emily Jarvis
Moderator and Senior Events Manager,

Your machines, software and code have identities. Do you know how to validate them?

Humans aren’t the only ones with identities these days. Machines have them too. And having trust in those identities is at the heart of many of the recent sophisticated cyberattacks.

With all eyes on securing supply chains, governments need to figure out ways to identify, protect and secure their software supply chains as part of their machine identity management programs.

Join us on Tuesday, Aug. 24 at 2 p.m. ET/11 a.m. ET to learn from government and industry leaders how your agency can establish and manage trust in machine identities that secure your code and beyond.

Specifically, you’ll learn:

  • Operational and security challenges posed by machine identities across the enterprise ecosystem.
  • Best practices from organizations that have deployed machine identity management solutions.
  • How machine identity management aims to establish and manage trust in the identity of a machine interacting with other entities.

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