Counting the Cost: Reevaluating Your Agency's Path to Cloud
Download your free copy of the new research brief to explore:
- The state of cloud adoption in government today.
- Advantages of hyperconverged infrastructure (HCI) according to previous HCI adopters.
- How to consolidate, streamline and redefine government data centers for modern requirements.

For years, federal IT professionals have worn multiple hats at their agencies. In addition to ensuring that employees have the technologies and tools they need to be successful, they've also played the complex roles of fortune teller and firefighter - to name a few.
They've had to predict what IT resources employees need to do their jobs and put out any related fires.
In our new report, you'll explore what considerations agencies should make as they plan for the next evolution of their on-premise infrastructure and what role technology such as cloud and hyperconverged infrastructure can play.