Innovation often gets stalled because agency leaders aren’t invested in the solution. And there could be a variety of reasons for that – budgetary, communication, implementation or even just awareness. But there are ways to enhance your chances for leadership buy-in.

Specifically, you’ll learn:

  • Where agencies can go wrong when pitching innovation to management.
  • How to properly plan your budget to accommodate innovation.
  • How to get your employees engaged with innovation efforts.

Watch on demand to hear from government and industry experts about what it takes to make an agency’s innovation ideas a reality.

Jeremy Ames (he/him)
Director of Stakeholder Engagement & Data Analytics
Office of Field Policy & Management
U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development

Jerry Hingtgen
Innovation Hub Chief
Chief Technology Officer
Office of the Chief Information Officer
United States Department of Agriculture

Drew Zachary
Deputy Innovation Chief
Census Bureau

Jesse McKernan
Senior Account Executive

Register Now:

  • Closed captioning will be available.
  • All registrants will receive the recording Wednesday, Aug. 21.