CX Community of Practice: Virtual Networking

Join us for virtual networking!

In order for customer experience (CX) efforts to be successful, they need support and buy-in from all levels of your organization. From the individual contributor all the way up to leadership, without an agency-wide commitment to CX, your programs are bound to fail.

On this month’s CX Community of Practice virtual networking event, we will speak with experts about how to garner support from your peers and leadership for CX efforts.

You’ll learn how to:

  • Create a culture of “customer experience is everyone’s job” at your organization.
  • Communicate CX priorities across the agency.
  • Work directly with colleagues and leadership teams to get initiatives off the ground.

Watch on demand as we explore ways to make sure everyone is on board with CX as an agency priority.


Alex Castillo Smith.jpeg
Alex Castillo Smith
Deputy Cabinet Secretary,
Office of the Secretary,
New Mexico Human Services Department