No one has the time to keep up with every new tech trend or solution entering the market. However, some of these solutions can have an incredibly positive impact on the work you do in government.

The tricky part is figuring out which emerging technologies are actually worth caring about. We've nailed it down to just five.

In this session, you’ll learn:

  • Five key emerging technologies impacting gov: citizen science, artificial intelligence, responsive design, advanced data analytics and robotic process automation.
  • How these new technologies could make your life easier.
  • What it takes to bring these solutions to your workplace.

Watch on demand to hear from government and industry experts about the five emerging technologies that should be on your radar.

Scott Beliveau
Director of Enterprise Data Architecture and Chief of Enterprise Advanced Analytics,
Office of the Chief Technology Officer,
United States Patent and Trademark Office

Landon Van Dyke
Senior Advisor for the Office of Management,
Strategy & Solutions,
U.S. Department of State

Bill Zielinski
Chief Information Officer,
City of Dallas

Damien Eversmann
Chief Architect for Education,
Red Hat

Register Now:

  • Closed captioning will be available.
  • All registrants will receive the recording Mar. 9.