CX: Reaching People Where They Are


In this guide, we explore three specific ways to improve the customer experience (CX) — accessibility tools, omnichannel communications and journey maps. And by “explore,” we mean offer how-to directions and clear-cut tips and techniques. Have you ever wondered, for instance, how to make your online forms accessible? We tell you.

We provide a window into CX initiatives that are transforming a much-maligned agency: the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Taxpayers may be predisposed to dislike the IRS, but the agency is working hard to win them over.

And because technology underpins many CX reforms, we also look at tools available to help agencies reach constituents wherever they are, in whatever way they need. That makes for a more effective, inclusive and compassionate government.

You'll explore the following sections:

  • CX by the Numbers
  • Improving the Accessible Experience
  • Omnichannel Communication: What, Why and How
  • How to Deliver High-Quality Omnichannel Constituent Experiences
  • Journey Maps Help You Find and Fix Problems
  • IRS Makes Progress on Creating a Better Taxpayer Experience

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