12:40-1:20 p.m. ET/9:40-10:20 a.m. PT
Session 3: Maintaining Secure Business Continuity for Government Workforce
Speakers: Brandon Shopp, Vice President, Product Strategy, SolarWinds
It’s not easy being responsible for the safety and security of government systems on a regular basis, let alone during a global pandemic when remote work is at an all-time high. COVID-19 concerns are changing how governments run their IT operations, dramatically expanding the demand for telework and application access to collaboration systems. This demand is creating significant challenges and has increased the need for IT pros to keep applications, services, and infrastructures up and running and safe.
In this interactive discussion, our experts will share how agencies can use performance and log monitoring solutions and support desk tools to provide more visibility into an agency’s applications to keep remote works safe and effective.
1:30-2:10 p.m. ET /10:30-11:10 a.m. PT
Session 4: Secure Your Remote Workforce During a Pandemic
Speakers: Marcus Moffett, Senior Director of System Engineering and Architectures & CTO, US Public Sector, Cisco Systems, Inc.
Governments have undergone a massive and sudden transformation due to the pandemic. However, agencies still need to deliver critical citizen services even in the midst of this crisis, they need to create a new normal. In order to be successful, agencies need to take advantage of secure technology that allows them to work remotely.
In this interactive discussion, our experts will share how government employees can most effectively work from home in these challenging times by taking advantage of a trusted platform and infrastructure that enables them to securely maintain business continuity.
2:20-3:00 p.m. ET/11:20-12:00 p.m. PT
Session 5: How the Cloud Enables Remote Work, Data Visualization and Emergency Citizen Services
Speakers: Sandy Carter, VP, WWPS Partners and Programs, AWS
To deliver mission critical services to citizens, governments are looking at new ways to support employees’ work and productivity, as well to maximize their ability to assess and respond quickly to changing environments, in real-time. Agencies are turning to cloud applications and looking at ways that technology solutions can support and address essential services that impact citizens health, well-being and safety.
In this interactive discussion, our experts will share the power of cloud solutions to carry out critical missions for government agencies and healthcare organizations.
3:10-3:50 p.m. ET/12:10-12:50 p.m. PT
Session 6: How Gov Can Combat Misinformation in a Crisis
Speakers: John Duckwitz, Director of Customer Success, Granicus
The rapid growth of confirmed COVID-19 cases in the U.S. is causing great uncertainty and fear. As the coronavirus spreads, so too has false and malicious content — putting many governments in an uphill battle to connect people with the truth they need. How can agencies combat misinformation in a crisis?
In this interactive discussion, our experts will share how government's can use a robust communications platform to combat misinformation and provide up-to-date facts and data their customers need.
4:00-4:40 p.m. ET/1:00-1:40 p.m. PT
Session 7: The Need for a Single Source of Data Truth
Speakers: Nicholas Speece, Chief Federal Technology Officer, Snowflake.
As agencies continue to grapple with make-or-break decisions to protect lives and livelihoods in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, data-led responses have become a top priority in organizations. But for many leaders, questions still remain around the best sources of reliable data, and also how to bring these together for analysis.
In this interactive discussion, our experts will share how governments can create a single source of data truth.