Cloud Security in Government Today: Making the Most of FedRAMP

Guide-FedRAMP-Cover.pngDownload your free copy of the guide to:

  • Find out who and what government employees need to know about FedRAMP.
  • Read through three Q&A's with experts from federal and state government.
  • Reference a helpful FedRAMP FAQ.

Government agencies have been talking about the cloud for more than a decade. With mandates from the White House like the Cloud First Policy enacted in 2010, an updated approach to modernization as part of the 2018 Modernizing Government Technology (MGT) Act, as well as the shift to "Cloud Smart," the cloud has been a top-of-mind issue for agencies at all levels.

Security, however, was always the key sticking point for many agencies hesitant to move their systems into the cloud. Is the cloud secure? How can you fully capitalize on the cloud and ensure security to advance your agency's mission while respecting compliance and security?

In this new guide, we'll look at the current state of cloud in government, the state of cloud security, the role of FedRAMP and how agencies can move forward with digital and modernization efforts securely.