How Artificial Intelligence Combats Fraud and Cyberattacks

-Stats and the history of federal AI and ML policies and insights.
-The how and why of AI fighting fraud and cyberattacks.
-How the Census Bureau uses AI to curtail data imputations.
Government data is growing exponentially. Its volume, velocity and variety require advanced data analytic capabilities to empower informed decision-making, but many agencies are unequipped to manage such a largescale task.
By analyzing the federal government’s existing data landscape, artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) technologies can learn to detect system abnormalities for manual assessment. This frees up time for cybersecurity experts to focus on innovating new solutions instead of simply monitoring the perimeter.
Check out the new e-book, How Artificial Intelligence Combats Fraud and Cyberattacks, to learn how leading governments are working to integrate AI and ML into their analysis and technology to secure sensitive data and advance innovation.