Pre-Register for 2024 GovLoop Online Trainings

We know it can be tough to get the time and approval to attend training events. Yet, you need to stay on top of current government trends and topics to do your job well. 

We wanted to save you time and free up some of your precious email inbox space by giving you the option of signing up for upcoming online trainings now. Each online training is totally free and registration is open to everyone. All registrants will also receive a link to the presentation recording after the live webinar.

Explore your options below and fill out the form to officially pre-register for these upcoming training opportunities now and you'll also receive:

  • A free GovLoop swag sticker pack
  • A free GovLoop t-shirt


Explore all the upcoming online training opportunities below. All online trainings take place from 2-2:50 p.m. ET/11-11:50 a.m. PT.

You can pick and choose which trainings you'd like to pre-register for by checking the boxes next to the online trainings on the registration form above.

All attendees can earn 1 CPE from each training. You'll also receive reminders with login information from GovLoop leading up to the training. Please get in touch if you have any questions: [email protected].

[Jan. 24] Strategies for Increasing Customer Engagement
Learn how to elevate constituent interaction, address challenges related to siloed processes, and modernize customer engagement within budgetary and security constraints. Gain insights from government and industry experts on leveraging digital platforms and technologies to enhance citizen experiences.

[Jan. 31] Making Digital Services Accessible
Discover how digital services can revolutionize government interactions by ensuring accessibility for all. Join our online session to hear from government and industry leaders about strategies for making digital services inclusive. Learn about the current state of accessibility, identify key pain points, and explore practices that foster a more connected and equitable government-citizen relationship.

[Feb. 7] What You Need to Know About the Threat Landscape
Gain key insights into the dynamic cybersecurity landscape through our online training. Enhance your preparedness against evolving threats with practical knowledge.

[Feb. 21] How to Apply DEIA to Your Programs, Policies and Tech
Learn how to integrate diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility (DEIA) principles into your programs, policies, and tech during this online training with government experts.

[March 6] Data-Fueled Service Delivery — Advancing Digital Innovation
Accelerate your digital innovation journey and explore strategies to harness the power of data to move your organization forward in the digital landscape.

[March 20] Your Roadmap for Gov Transformation
 It can feel like achieving transformation in government is a moving target. Join us online to hear experts share their thoughts on transformation priorities in the public sector - and how to reach those goals.

[April 11] 5 Emerging Technologies You Need to Know About
Keeping up with advancements in technology can feel like a full-time job on its own. We'll discuss the five key trends you need to know.

[April 24] Training and Retention — How to Keep Gov Employees
Is your agency actively investing in its employees? Failure to do so can mean high turnover and the loss of critical skills and talent. Here's how government can do a better job at training and keeping the workforce.

[May 8] Zero Trust at the State and Local Level
Zero trust cybersecurity is gaining traction in government, including at the state and local levels. Is your organization ready to embrace the zero-trust approach? Join us to learn practical steps for implementation.

[May 22] Bridge the Divide and Increase Constituent Engagement 
What's your agency's relationship status with the people you serve? Are they actively engaged with your services or do things feel chilly? We're covering tactics to bridge the divide and foster constituent engagement.

[June 5] Responsible AI
Artificial intelligence adoption shows no signs of cooling, so now agencies are grappling with how to apply the technology responsibly. You'll hear from experts and peers on how agencies are embracing AI.

[June 12] How Agencies Can Protect Critical Data
Data is an agency's key asset, which means it can also be its greatest vulnerability. Learn best practices for protecting your organization's sensitive data.

[July 17] Advancing Missions With Tech
Do your technology systems feel like a tool or a hindrance for achieving your mission? We'll explore how technology can (and should) be a powerful aid in getting critical work done.

[July 24] Identity and Access Management — What Does That Look Like Now?
What's the latest in government security measures, specifically around identity and access management? Join us online to walk through why you need a reliable system in place to adequately verify user access for agency systems.

[Aug. 7] How to Explain Data Through Visualization and Storytelling
Are dense spreadsheets and stale PowerPoints holding you back when you're trying to communicate insights from data? It's time to embrace data visualization and storytelling to get your point across.

[Aug. 21] Collaboration in a Hybrid World
Feeling disconnected from your peers is an instant collaborating killer. Explore practical steps and solutions for keeping communication, ideation and collaboration running at your organization.

[Sept. 11] AI Use Cases — Where AI Works Well in Gov
Uses cases are a powerful way to illustrate the power of AI and this online training will walk through a few examples of how agencies are putting this technology to work.

[Sept. 25] Low Code: Where, When and How it Works
What is "low code" and why does it matter? We'll discuss what low code means and how it can make your job easier.

[Oct. 2] CX Use Cases — And How Your Org Could Benefit 
The customer experience (CX) is arguably one of the most important elements that instill trust in government services. Learn how to excel at CX by learning from your peers who are doing it well.

[Oct. 16] Resilient Operations — Policies, Tools and People Needed to Keep Gov Working
Disruption can come in many forms: natural disasters, cyber attacks, budget cuts, etc. But the strength of your agency depends on how well it can bounce back from these setbacks. Join us to learn best practices for resilient operations.

[Nov. 6] The Risk of Unvetted Apps — How to Keep Your Network Secure
Rolling out and launching an app without properly testing and vetting it can leave your entire organization vulnerable to an attack. We'll discuss how to put a proper vetting process in place.

[Nov. 13] Navigating Workforce Complexity
The government workforce is constantly evolving and changing. Staying ahead of workplace trends and employee needs will help your agency manage the growing complexity.

[Dec. 4] Future of Gov — Where the Workforce Needs to Go
What does the workforce look like in 2025? What skillsets and resources will government employees need to be effective in the coming year?

[Dec. 11] Ransomware Is Everywhere — What Gov Should Be Doing 
As ransomware attacks become more common, your agency mustn't let its guard down. We'll cover key things to look out for regarding ransomware and how to proactively protect your organization.

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GovLoop is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website: